9 Product Messaging Examples That Will Give You a New Outlook

9 Product Messaging Examples That Will Give You a New Outlook


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  • Product messaging, in a broad sense, is any product marketing content, such as blog posts, social media posts, email marketing campaigns, or sales pitches that speak the value of your product to your target audience.
  • You should convey the right message to the right audience at the right time and place. If you do not curate your messaging meticulously and try to squeeze every piece of information (your value prop, differentiators, audience's pain points, market research statistics, etc.) into one message, you'll end up with a useless and confusing compilation.
  • If you want to incorporate various information into one message, you can play around with the formatting and the structure to create different interest points for the reader. (Check example 2, Lavender)
  • You can also benefit from neuromarketing strategies to catch the attention of your audience.
  • The important thing is to ensure that your ideal customer profile resonates with your messaging and sees value in your product or service.

At this point, I think everyone knows that even if you have a solid product with amazing features; unless you have a successful product message and positioning, you don't stand a chance in the market.

And that's why you're here, too.

You're in search of some inspiration and messaging magic 🔮 ✨

Don't worry, I got you.

Is it all about creative writing and finding the best motto of all time?

Luckily, no!

It's also about the format, the content, user psychology, brand identity...

Once you find the perfect balance and combination among them, you have your messaging formula.

I gathered nine amazingly compelling product message examples to examine closely and help you curate your messaging for your customers.

But before starting with the examples, I can hear you asking:

Wait, wait. What makes a product messaging a GREAT product messaging?

Like, in theory...

What Should I Highlight in My Product Messaging?

In product messaging, there are primarily five key areas to focus on.

They are:

Five focus areas of product messaging

‎Depending on where, when, and how you present a certain product message, you can focus on one or two of them -or maybe even three. But make sure that you do not overwhelm or confuse your audience with a meaninglessly long message.

You'll have many opportunities to discuss all these aspects, so don't try to squeeze them into one place and one incomprehensible message.

Now, let me briefly explain how to use them in your product messages 👇🏼

1. Your Product Value - a.k.a. What do you ACTUALLY offer?

This one seems to be the most obvious and easiest of the five.

(But it's also the trickiest one, I believe.)

Most of the time, companies list a bunch of features or services they offer in their product messaging, which isn't necessarily a bad thing unless they stop there without conveying the actual "value" a customer receives.

For example:

👉🏼 Spotify Premium's value is not skipping ads in between songs. It's a feature, a very cool one, but it's not the actual value I get as a customer. The actual value for me is to party without disruption 🪩 🕺🏼

👉🏼 Google Drive's value is not 50 GB of storage but my memories, accessible anywhere, anytime 🌎

You see?

Value is more than your product features.

It's about the possibilities and the future you promise your customers.

If you're not sure how to uncover those values, you can start by thinking within a Jobs-To-Be-Done framework and read more about the concept of perceived value.

2. Your Buyer Persona - a.k.a. Whom do you offer?

I'm sure you've come across the value proposition formula here and there.

Here, it looks like this:

Image source

Now this is a very detailed formula with all the comparisons and user motivations. But while focusing on aspects such as reasons and competitors, many companies forget to elaborate on the user/buyer.

Sure, you can simply state that your product is for marketing managers and proceed to list reasons why they should work with you. However, without specificity, it's hard to ensure that a marketing manager truly resonates with your message.

Try to be more descriptive of your target market or ideal customer/user in your product messaging.

❌ [X] is for marketing managers.

✅ [X] is for tech-savvy marketing managers who believe in the power of AI to master SEO.

3. Pain Points of Your Customers - a.k.a. WHY do they need you?

Customer pain points and product values are two different things that are very closely connected to each other.

In other words, your product values come from your customers' business pain points.

When discussing your product value, we discuss possibilities and the future. Whereas when discussing customer pain points, we focus on past experiences or the current status quo.

Sometimes, a "promised land" is not enough to allure a customer, especially if the cost of the journey there is too high for them or they're not aware that they're currently in a very bad place—like, hell bad.

In that case, it's your responsibility to open your customers' eyes by pinpointing their pain points, the reasons why they suffer, and why they need you and your product/services.

Product Value: You will increase your trial-to-customer conversion rates.

Customer Pain Point: You cannot turn your trial users into customers 💰 💸

4. Your Key Differentiators - a.k.a. why do they need YOU?

Your potential customers are now aware of their problems and are searching for a new product thanks to you.


But it's not enough to turn them into actual paying customers of yours.

There are a lot of companies out there in the market who probably offer more or less the same "promised land" as you.

The next step is to show why a certain type of user/customer should choose you and your product rather than your competitors and their products.

⚡ Here's a Forbes article on ways to identify your marketable differentiators.

5. Customer Triumphs and Statistics - a.k.a. How can they trust you?

When money comes into play, people tend to get a bit skeptical.

Yes, I'm the manager you're describing. Yes, I struggle with all those problems, and yes, I want to solve them and get to the promised land. Okay, you sound like you resonate with me more than the others. BUT...

How do I know that you can really ensure all that?

Did you actually ever get those results?

As marketers, we generally leverage social proof, such as customer feedback or success stories from customer interviews, to alleviate this type of apprehension.

But there are other ways, too.

Such as customer statistics 📈

Do your customers say that they're X times more productive now?

Do they have X% increased conversion rates thanks to your services?

Collect actionable customer data from surveys, customer interviews, and customer testimonials to incorporate into your product messaging. This ensures that potential customers understand that what you promise is what they'll receive.

You got the idea more or less, I believe.

But if you're still not sure how that all looks in practice, I'll provide you with some real-life examples so that everything is crystal clear.

Here I present:

9 Real-Life Examples That Rock Product Messaging

P.S. There are plenty of ways to jazz up your product messaging to make it top-notch. Maybe it's honing in on one of those five aspects of product messaging we talked about earlier 👆🏼, adding some cool and original microcopy, or just nailing down the format/ structure.

Here, we've got a few examples from each to spark your creativity.

So let's go 🏃🏼 🏃🏼

#1 Flowla provides crucial statistics for their potential B2B customers

Flowla is a SaaS tool that enables companies to create digital sales rooms to manage their sales flows in one place.

In order to convince their potential customers that their sales processes and platforms are probably messy and complicated and thus they need Flowla, they provide industry statistics related to B2B sales funnels.

Here's how it looks:

Industry statistics about buying experiences push the reader to question their own sales funnel and customer experience

If you're working with B2B companies, the pain points of customers of your customer can count as your customer's pain points.

They also offer different value propositions for different customer segments 👇🏼

Flowla speaks to different roles/ users with different messages

Key Takeaways

  • ‎Detecting the right pain points to create buying motivation and
  • Insightful market research about industry trends that build urgency
  • Tailored value propositions

#2 Lavender offers different statistics for different user segments

Lavender is an email intelligence tool that offers coaching and personalization to its users. On its webpage, it provides different product messaging with different statistics and case studies for different buyer personas: sellers, leaders, and anyone.

For example, to catch a seller's attention, they use this:

‎For a leader, this:

‎And for a more general audience, this:

‎Here, we have a few more strategies other than segmentation-based messaging.

Key Takeaways

  • Statistics/ market research results
  • Customer pain points
  • Product value and the promised land

Lavender incorporates different formats for its copy, so although it mentions a lot of things, it does not overwhelm or confuse the user. The user personas are mentioned as titles, the pain points and market data/ statistics are summarized in one paragraph, and the product value prompts are sprinkled around as sticky notes.

#3 Slack highlights its customers' triumphs with impressive statistics

Industry statistics and market trends: checked ✔️

3rd party research results: checked ✔️

Now it's time to talk about some statistics of your own customers

Here's how Slack shares those statistics:

Slack boasts about its customers' improved productivity statistics

‎Key Takeaways

  • ‎Customer success statistics
  • Proof point of delivery of promised values
  • Details of the customer survey (participant number, date, country, etc.) are provided under the statistics

#4 Expensify speaks to the "primitive brain" of its potential customers

According to neuromarketing theory, we have two brains:

One is more rational and analytical, reasoning and weighing pros and cons before deciding. Whereas the other one is associated with more emotional, quick, and instinct or stimuli-based responses.

With statistics and value propositions, product marketers generally speak to the rational brain in their marketing content, creating rational motivation for them to buy their product. But in well-composed messaging, we should speak to both brains: rational brain and primitive/ old/ reptilian brain; not just the rational one.


a) By triggering emotions, such as fear or hope

b) By using simple keywords and design

Here's how Expensify, a spend management software, ensures that:

Expensify leverages neuromarketing keywords

You do not always need long paragraphs or lists for your product values.

Sometimes, it's more effective to use simple icons and one sentence:

Save time ⏱️ Save money 💵

‎Key Takeaways

  • ‎Simple design
  • Keywords that speak to the primitive/ old/ reptilian brain

#5 Punch:io answers the most important question: Why?

It can be hard to match answers and questions on your mind when you do not physically have the questions in front of you.

Yes, I see a list of good things, but...

So what? What's that?

Punch:io, a cloud-based employee time clock software, solves this problem with a small format trick:

Punch:io's clear format

‎Why switch?

Reasons to use Punch:io

No fancy language, no complex format.

A very simple title and a very simple listicle.

‎Key Takeaways

  • ‎Formatting the messaging in Q&A format
  • Simple and clear copy
  • Main product value + the features making it possible

#6 Webflow alleviates common concerns of its potential customers

Webflow is a no-code visual editing platform for website building and hosting. And they're aware of the main concerns of their (potential) customers:

Does this no-code tool come with limitations?

Can a no-code tool compete with actual coding?

Will this no-code tool be enough, or should we go for an in-house solution?

And here's how they answer all these questions in their product messaging:

Webflow alleviates user concerns related to no-code tools

‎They stress that Webflow has the same power and feature variety as other coding languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

It's as if they're trying to penetrate the subconscious and erase all the prejudice and bias against no-code tools.

Key Takeaways

  • ‎Knows the potential user and their concerns
  • Doesn't ignore indirect competitors in the competitive landscape (No-code vs Coding)

#7 Zapier resonates with its customers by using the same language with them

Remember how I said that you need to describe your ideal customer for them to resonate with you?


You can describe your brand vision and mission, too.

Like Zapier:

Zapier humanizes the brand and gives it a mission with its messaging

Key Takeaways

  • ‎Humanized brand image to build trust
  • Clear mission statement and brand positioning

#8 HEY highlights its positional/ competitive advantages over its competitors

HEY is an email and calendar tool.


In a world of Gmail, Apple, and Outlook?


HEY's brave product messaging

There can be tech giants competing in the same market as you.

But you can still have competitive advantages over them.

There's a message from the Co-founder and CEO of the company, pinpointing all the problems related to email and connecting them with the giant and pioneer competitors of theirs: Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and Apple.

HEY's CEO calls out to their potential customers with a personal and story-like message

Key Takeaways

  • ‎Competitor brand name-dropping -Brave 🔥 🔥
  • Highlighting competitive advantage: fresh blood in the market
  • Personal and story-like narrative

Is it aggressive? A little bit. But if it aligns with your overall brand image and product marketing strategies, as well, what can we say. Some risks bring personality to the brand.

#9 Uncrustables speaks to the needs of both the user/ consumer and the buyer

Sometimes, buyers and users are different people with different priorities. Buyers might not necessarily understand users' needs or desires.

For example, Smucker's Uncrustables is a pre-made and packed sandwich brand. They market their product to the whole family, working parent(s) and children.

‎While marketing to parents and/or adults, the company puts emphasis on the easiness of meal prep.

Whereas while marketing to children (the user, but not necessarily the buyer) and talking about school lunch prep, they highlight the fact that Uncrustables sandwiches do not have any bread crust, which is probably the nightmare of many children.

Smucker's Uncrustables markets both to the buyer and the consumer

Here, the "best part of the sandwich"‎ is the motto for children, but they're probably not the buyers; we still have an appeal to the adults: "No prep, no mess."

Key Takeaways

  • ‎Messaging should be both for the buyer and the consumer
  • Clear image reference to the consumer when the messaging targets them
  • Good example of a versatile marketing campaign and messaging

To Sum Up...

Product messaging is how you communicate your product value to your target market through your social media posts, videos, sales page, and product page. It's essential for identifying the right customer base and persuading them that your company is the ideal choice for their needs.

Whether you talk about your product value, your key differentiator, or your potential customer's pain points; make sure that:

‎✅ You use clear language stripped of any jargon.

❌ And you do not overwhelm your audience with a lot of information.

To ensure that, you can atomize your messaging, break it down into small chunks, and use them across different marketing channels and company pages (home page, pricing page, blog, etc.).

In this post, we analyzed a bunch of examples with different strategies.

Feel free to apply any of them that align with your product and overall marketing strategy in your ow

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of brand messaging?

An example of brand messaging could be a company's core value communicated through its brand positioning strategy to resonate with the right audience. By articulating its strengths and unique selling points in a message that resonates with its target market, the company establishes a distinct brand voice that sets it apart from competitors. For example, a company might choose to emphasize its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship as part of its core values and focus on these issues in its brand messaging.

What is a product message?

A product message is a communication tailored to resonate with the right buyer persona and target audience, conveying the product benefits and value statement effectively. Crafting a great product message involves highlighting the competitive edge of the product and articulating how it addresses the needs and desires of a certain target audience.

How do I create a product messaging framework?

Creating an effective product messaging framework entails several key steps. Firstly, it involves thoroughly identifying the target audience to ensure that messaging resonates with the right customers.

Next, crafting a compelling value proposition with unique benefits is essential. Highlighting key differentiators from competitors and emphasizing product strengths and advantages are crucial parts of great messaging, as well.

Finally, all messaging should align with the brand voice and overarching brand pillars to ensure consistency and authenticity across all communication channels.

By following these steps, businesses can develop a robust product messaging framework that effectively engages and persuades their target audience.

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