Doing A Feature Release? Here's Everything You Need

Doing A Feature Release? Here's Everything You Need

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    Home / Product / Doing A Feature Release? Here's Everything You Need

    In today’s cutthroat business landscape, understanding how to introduce new features isn’t just about checking off a task—it’s about survival.

    Imagine you’ve poured your heart into crafting a game-changing addition to your product, only to learn that a staggering 95% of new launches fail.

    It’s like planning the ultimate surprise party and realizing everyone’s allergic to cake.

    For product managers and marketers, this isn’t routine—it’s a make-or-break moment.

    The feature you've developed isn't merely code—it's your brainchild, and its success is non-negotiable.

    Assigning tasks to refine the product through multiple rounds of development is crucial for meeting heightened user expectations and engaging the development community effectively.

    Get ready to introduce new features like a pro: Launch a legend that turns heads, captures hearts, and sets the bar for your competitors.


    • Major feature releases introduce significant updates or new functionalities, requiring extensive planning and strategic marketing to add value.
    • A Feature Release Example: Instagram's Stories strategically engaged users and influencers for rapid adoption thanks to their marketing efforts.
    • Minor feature updates enhance existing functionalities and user experience incrementally.
    • Example: Google's Smart Compose for Gmail phased rollout increased anticipation and adoption.
    • Bug fixes and performance enhancements guide users while maintaining product stability and user trust.
    • Example: Apple's iOS updates emphasize security and reliability through clear communication among early adopters.
    • Essential tools for successful feature releases include UserGuiding, Productboard, Beamer, and HubSpot.

    Different Types of Feature Releases

    1- Major Feature Releases

    Major releases represent pivotal moments for products, often introducing significant updates or entirely new functionalities that redefine user experiences or address crucial pain points through blog posts, video tutorials, or a step-by-step guide.

    These releases demand meticulous planning, integration of extensive user feedback, and the orchestration of comprehensive marketing strategies related to user retention.

    Successfully navigating these steps can propel a product to new heights of relevance and user engagement.

    A Good Practice

    When Instagram launched Stories, they strategically positioned it as a new way for users to share moments that disappear after 24 hours, directly competing with Snapchat.

    Instagram launched Stories,

    Instagram leveraged its existing user base by prominently placing Stories at the top of the app interface during the market release phase, encouraging users to try it out through intuitive design and seamless integration.

    They also used influencers and celebrities to create buzz and demonstrate the feature's appeal, driving early product adoption and engagement.

    Just what a successful launch, from head to toe.

    2- Minor Feature Updates

    While less headline-grabbing than major releases, minor updates play a pivotal role in maintaining product relevance and user retention.

    These updates typically focus on refining existing features, enhancing usability, or addressing any minor tweak reported by users through careful planning.

    Effective communication and documentation are paramount here. They ensure that even incremental changes resonate positively with users and contribute to ongoing product improvement.

    An Example

    Google introduced Smart Compose for Gmail through a phased rollout approach and careful planning which is basically their favorite way to add new features and announce them.

    Smart Compose for Gmail

    Initially available to a small subset of users, they gradually expanded access based on user feedback and performance metrics.

    Google's marketing team communicated the feature's key benefits through targeted emails and in-app notifications, highlighting how it could save time and improve productivity.

    This gradual rollout not only managed user expectations but also generated curiosity and anticipation among users awaiting access to the new feature idea.

    3- Bug Fixes and Performance Enhancements

    Beyond feature launches, the continuous improvement of product stability and performance is vital.

    Bug fixes and performance enhancements may not always be celebrated as traditional feature releases, but they are critical for maintaining user trust and satisfaction while fighting pain points through a valuable feedback loop.

    They just have to be at the right place for the right people.

    Transparent communication about these improvements fosters a sense of reliability and demonstrates a commitment to delivering a high-quality product experience.

    An Example

    Apple consistently launches iOS updates to address bugs and enhance performance across its devices.

    iOS updates to address bugs and enhance performance across its devices

    These updates are announced through press releases and developer forums, detailing specific improvements and fixes.

    press releases and developer forums

    Apple encourages users to update their devices by emphasizing security enhancements and improved reliability, thereby ensuring widespread adoption of the latest software version.

    They also provide clear instructions for updating devices, making the process seamless and user-friendly while driving the adoption rate.

    Key Takeaways

    In each instance, the platforms employed targeted communication, and strategic rollout strategies, and utilized existing user bases to successfully launch their features or updates, ensuring the feature's success through a deep understanding of user readiness.

    This approach allowed them to analyze user behavior post-launch and refine the feature based on insights gathered during the development process.

    These approaches not only ensured a smooth introduction but also maximized user engagement and satisfaction, ultimately contributing to the success of the new features while aiming to attract new customers.

    Tools You Need for A Successful Feature Release

    1- UserGuiding for In-App Announcements and Changelog

    UserGuiding for In-App Announcements and Changelog

    UserGuiding helps in delivering contextual in-app announcements and maintaining an updated changelog, keeping users informed about new feature development.

    How exactly can it help?

    Introducing Product Updates, our newest feature at UserGuiding that combines user engagement, in-app messaging, project documentation, and feature adoption into one streamlined experience by:

    • Creating a central hub for all your product announcements,
    • Engaging users with interactive updates through in-app messaging and dynamic UI signals using Booster,
    • Promoting transparency and facilitating two-way communication through user feedback options,
    • Seamlessly integrating it into the in-app experience via our Resource Center.

    This feature also empowers you to create a changelog as either a standalone page or an in-app widget, keeping your audience informed about the new feature development and project documentation from your product team through the launch phase.

    feature release

    You can publish posts, categorize them with labels, and gauge user reactions using emojis and comments directly from your dashboard for further feature improvement.

    Whether you're ready to leverage these capabilities or prefer to explore the core UserGuiding experience first, the choice is yours. Just book the demo right away!

    2- Productboard for Product Changelog

    Productboard for Product Changelog

    Productboard offers a structured approach to managing feature requests and communicating product updates through a centralized changelog.

    The changelog service allows teams to categorize updates into different user segments, sections, or categories, making it easy for users to navigate and understand the changes relevant to them in their user journey.

    ‎Users can interact with updates by leaving comments and reactions (like emojis) and providing feedback collection directly within the changelog, which is a great product launch strategy to boost customer satisfaction.

    This fosters a sense of transparency and encourages two-way communication between the product team and users, thus creating a perfect way to boost customer satisfaction through testing, and documentation.

    3- Beamer for Push Notifications

    Beamer enables targeted and visually appealing push notifications to announce new features directly to users, increasing engagement and adoption.

    Users can segment their audience based on various criteria such as user behavior, demographics, maximum value, competitive analysis, product-market fit, marketing plans, feature launch strategy, or user preferences.

    ‎This allows for personalized notifications tailored to specific user groups, increasing relevance and engagement.

    They can also schedule notifications to be sent at specific times or trigger them based on user actions or milestones, ensuring maximum value as well as timely communication without manual intervention.

    4- HubSpot for Email Announcements

    HubSpot’s email marketing tools are invaluable for crafting and delivering feature release announcements directly to user inboxes, ensuring broad reach and impact through email newsletters.

    Users can segment their email lists based on criteria such as user behavior, and demographics, aligning with business objectives to refine product enablement.

    This targeted approach ensures that recipients receive relevant information about new features tailored to their interests and needs, supported by performance analysis.

    The platform also provides detailed analytics on email performance, including open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversion rates.

    Later in the post-launch phase, users can track engagement levels and assess the impact of email announcements on driving user behavior and feature adoption throughout the development process.

    This approach serves as a source of truth to troubleshoot common challenges and optimize communication strategies effectively

    Feature Release Plan - 9 Steps

    Before the Release

    1- Define Objectives

    Before you release a feature, clearly articulate the goals and expected outcomes of the feature release to ensure successful feature adoption.

    Understanding these objectives is crucial for aligning development efforts with business priorities and measuring success accurately.

    2- Gather Feedback

    Integrating user feedback early is vital to refining features and meeting user expectations effectively.

    By analyzing user behavior and insights, product teams can ensure the final product adds value and resonates positively with its intended audience.

    This approach not only provides a solid starting point for building features but also helps identify friction points, enhancing the ability to attract new users and improve user experience.

    3- Prepare Documentation and Training

    Create comprehensive documentation, guides, and training materials as part of your product strategy to ensure seamless adoption of the new feature.

    Clear instructions and accessible resources empower users to navigate common situations confidently, fostering a user-friendly and effective experience that maximizes the feature's value from day one.

    During the Release

    4- Rollout Strategy

    Deploy a phased rollout strategy to mitigate risk and collect valuable customer feedback incrementally.

    Initiate with internal testing, then expand to targeted user groups to iteratively enhance the feature, aligning with the product roadmap and ensuring the right information reaches the development team.

    This method not only optimizes the marketing channel but also enhances the potential for more revenue through informed deployment.

    5- Monitor Performance

    Consistently monitor essential metrics like adoption rates, customer feedback, and post-release technical issues to pinpoint areas for improvement.

    Real-time monitoring plays a crucial role in making proactive adjustments and optimizations that enhance the user experience.

    It helps product teams understand why certain features or updates perform as they do, informing future product ideas and strategies effectively.

    6- Customer Support Readiness

    Ensure that customer support teams are well-prepared to assign tasks and address inquiries and issues promptly.

    Effective support during the release phase fosters user confidence and prospective customer satisfaction, mitigating potential negative impacts.

    After the Release

    7- Collect Feedback

    Establish mechanisms to collect ongoing feedback from users post-release.

    Analyzing user insights provides valuable data for iterating on the feature launch and addressing evolving user needs effectively.

    8- Iterate and Improve

    Use the gathered data to prioritize upcoming updates or enhancements that are in line with the product's development, user expectations, and strategic business goals.

    By iterating based on user feedback, ensure ongoing product evolution across various channels, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain competitiveness within social mediums.

    This approach not only supports the product vision but also strengthens new feature announcements, fostering engagement and loyalty among users.

    9- Evaluate Success

    Assessing the overall success of the feature release against predetermined objectives and metrics is crucial for informed decision-making in product development.

    Reflecting on outcomes helps determine the effectiveness of strategies, guiding future releases and enhancing the likelihood of sustained product success.

    This practice not only fosters continuous improvement but also strengthens relationships with the customer base and attracts new users.

    Wrapping Up

    Launching a new feature in today's competitive environment is a crucial product release moment, where success is essential for product survival and market impact.

    Effective tools such as UserGuiding and HubSpot streamline communication, empowering the product management teams to reach their target audience efficiently.

    A well-executed product release plan, built on a deep understanding of user needs and user readiness and informed by market research, guides every step, from defining objectives to gathering feedback and iterating post-launch.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the difference between readme and release notes?

    A README is a document that typically provides an overview of a software product. It generally includes installation instructions, usage guidelines, and basic information for users and developers. Release notes, on the other hand, are documents that communicate product changes and updates in each version of the software. They highlight new features, bug fixes, and enhancements for users.

    What is the purpose of a changelog?

    A changelog's purpose is to track the history and evolution of a software product by documenting code changes and updates over time. It provides information essential for developers and technical teams and allows them to understand modifications made in each software release. Additionally, the changelog serves as a reference point for internal teams, such as support teams, and enables efficient issue resolution and user assistance. It also maintains transparency between the company, users, and stakeholders.

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