In less than 5 minutes, I can showcase a new feature to my clients with UserGuiding which would be impossible to do if we asked for it from the product team.“
João Pedro Carvalho
Product Manager @BeerOrCoffee
BeerOrCoffee is a platform that connects people and companies to hundreds of coworking spaces in around 160 cities in Brazil. They offer solutions such as shared workspaces, meeting room rentals, virtual offices, and private rooms.
Improved feature adoption
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How BeerOrCoffee creates feature announcements in minutes with UserGuiding

Selman Gokce
Content Marketing Lead
May 16, 2024
min read
BeerOrCoffee is a coworking space application that was having a hard time scaling its user onboarding efforts.
They were also not able to effectively educate new users about the new and complex features they were launching.
With UserGuiding, they eliminated the need for one-on-one user onboarding calls and automated product education.
Also, they’ve promoted new features and implemented feature tours to improve feature adoption.

BeerOrCoffee is an online platform that connects people and businesses to co-working spaces and their management in Brazil.

They were onboarding users through 1:1 video calls due to the complexity of their product, which was unpractical and unscalable at best.

Here’s how they fixed these issues and achieved success with UserGuiding:

Live onboarding calls – worth it?

As a small startup, you’re only a handful of people with a limited budget.

Until a certain point and a certain number of customers, one-on-one onboarding calls might be a great idea; since they’re cost-free, help you connect with your customers, and give you a chance to understand how you can communicate the value the best way.

What happens when you get to that high number of new customers, however, you’ll have too many sessions to attend which will take all of your schedule. It’s not scalable unless you can keep up with the influx of new customers with an influx of new sales representatives.

Costly and again, unscalable.

And that’s not the only problem with these video calls.

You can only do a video call one time per customer, if you are on a tight schedule.

And that’s honestly not enough for a customer to understand the full value of your product.

Users need access to your complete onboarding material at all times, no matter where in the user journey they are.

So BeerOrCoffee, as a scaling startup, needed a scalable and repeatable user onboarding solution.

Cost of in-house interactive element development

This scalable and repeatable user onboarding would have its toll too.

Though it would relieve the sales and support teams by a long shot, it would become a straight burden on the product and the development team.

Again, for a scaling startup like BeerOrCoffee, every minute of the development team is crucial for further developing the product. So a simple request from the marketing or sales team would not be so simple anymore:

We have a small development team, so we have to prioritize everything in a well-structured order. If I was the product manager I wouldn’t even prioritize a tooltip request from the marketing team, I’d focus on improving the product itself.”

They’ve tried this method before too, it just didn’t work:

We had this simple 3-slide tour in our product developed by our product team, and we needed to add a task to their backlog to even change something simple inside the content and it wasn’t worth it. So I needed a way to make it myself and to deliver it to other teams so that they could develop and manage stuff without the need of developers.”

They needed a solution that could easily enable them to create the onboarding material by themselves.

And with a small budget as a startup, they actually needed the best value for money.

New and complex features

BeerOrCoffee is an extremely easy-to-use platform.

For the end-users who are looking for co-working spaces that is.

For their partners, the managers of these co-working spaces, however, it can be a nightmare to operate.

The product is complex and there are a lot of functions they need to understand first to implement it.”

So this new and scalable solution they were looking for had to help them walk users through different features of the product, as well as help them promote new ones:

Another thing is announcing new features. We don’t have to just rely on promoting new functionalities with emails, but we can create engaging in-app content to make sure every user is notified, and I’m sure it would be a nightmare to have our development team make something like this each time we have a new feature.”

The need for a solution that would save them all grew and grew, and the tipping point for their transition was the launch of their brand new and more advanced dashboard. They needed to educate not just new users, but existing users as well, which would be a nightmare unless:

Last year we made an entirely new dashboard for our partners so it was a brand new thing for all of our customers. Then we found out UserGuiding as a great solution mainly because we didn’t our development team to be modifying it every time.”

They’ve found UserGuiding

UserGuiding was the solution BeerOrCoffee was looking for.

It helped them significantly reduce the need for live onboarding calls, eliminate the need for developers for creating interactive content, and promote new features and functions inside their product without the hassle.

Visible growth with UserGuiding

Thanks to UserGuiding’s simple and easy-to-implement platform, they are now able to create and update their user onboarding content in a matter of minutes.

We added a simple feature for our clients, and it took us literally 2 minutes to add that feature to our initial product tour as a step. It was just a click of a button.“

With UserGuiding, BeerOrCoffee achieved a superior way of onboarding new users and announcing new features, which eventually would enable them to improve user experience and engagement.

Ready to create engaging interactive elements in minutes, just like BeerOrCoffee did? 🚀

UserGuiding, as a no-code user onboarding platform, gives you the power to eliminate the need for developers in creating interactive content that boosts user engagement and conversions.

In a matter of minutes, UserGuiding lets you can create:

  • interactive product tours,
  • tooltips,
  • hotspots,
  • user onboarding checklists,
  • in-app resource centers,
  • and NPS surveys.

Don’t believe me?

Give it a try yourself.

Automated product education and improved feature adoption
We added a simple feature for our clients, and it took us literally 2 minutes to add that feature to our initial product tour as a step. It was just a click of a button.“
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