User Onboarding

In-Depth Guide to Top 6 WalkMe Alternatives (free tools incl.)

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    Home / User Onboarding / In-Depth Guide to Top 6 WalkMe Alternatives (free tools incl.)

    WalkMe is the leading employee engagement and digital transformation solution for enterprises.

    Thousands of businesses are onboarding and educating employees or clients while analyzing their behavior to set themselves up for success.

    But there are thousands of other businesses that are not 100% compatible with WalkMe.

    In this article, I'll review the top 6 alternatives, each with its own strengths, that might help you improve digital or product adoption.


    • UserGuiding - for product adoption and user onboarding
    • Pendo - identical features for user engagement and analytics
    • Whatfix - a more affordable employee engagement solution
    • Enable NOW - employee training at scale
    • Intro.js - open-source and free product tours
    • Google Analytics - universally free analytics platform

    What WalkMe Does Well

    Comprehensive Digital Adoption

    WalkMe excels in providing a comprehensive digital adoption platform that facilitates smooth employee training and onboarding.

    Its interactive walkthroughs, tooltips, and step-by-step guides embedded directly within applications help users effortlessly navigate complex software, enhancing productivity and reducing the learning curve.

    Robust Analytics and Insights

    walkme analytics

    One of WalkMe's key strengths is its robust analytics, which offer deep insights into user behavior.

    The platform tracks interactions, identifies pain points, and highlights areas where users struggle, enabling organizations to make informed decisions to improve the user experience and focus their training efforts effectively.

    High Customization and Integration

    WalkMe stands out with its high degree of customization and seamless integration capabilities.

    It allows organizations to tailor the user experience to specific needs and integrates well with various enterprise applications, such as CRM and ERP systems, ensuring a consistent and unified guidance experience across different platforms, which is hard to pull off.

    Drawbacks of WalkMe

    High Cost

    The biggest drawback of WalkMe is its high cost.

    The platform's extensive capabilities come at a premium pricing that's usually processed through annual contracts in 5-figure ranges, making it a better fit for large enterprises with substantial budgets.

    Complexity and Technical Setup

    WalkMe's powerful features often come with a steep learning curve.

    The initial setup and ongoing management of the platform can be complex, requiring dedicated technical resources.

    This can be a barrier for organizations with limited technical expertise or small teams that need a more straightforward solution to get quick results.

    Overwhelming Feature Set

    walkme's features
    Is WalkMe a walking feature bloat?

    Having a lot of features can be advantageous, but not all the time.

    The sheer number of tools and options available can be overwhelming for users, which can quickly be the case with WalkMe.

    6 Alternatives to WalkMe

    Let's take a look at the top alternatives to WalkMe that match its strengths or weaknesses:

    1. UserGuiding - Straightforward Product Adoption with Quick Setup

    userguiding vs walkme
    • Capterra ⭐4.7/5 (51 reviews)
    • G2 ⭐4.6/5 (231 reviews)

    UserGuiding is an all-in-one product adoption platform with a heavy focus on bridging the gap between users and product teams.

    It allows you to create in-app experiences that drive results such as activations and conversions.

    UserGuiding Features

    User Guidance

    UserGuiding's product tours, tooltips, hotspots, knowledge base, and onboarding checklists provide new and existing users with the information they need during their onboarding process and the resource center provides necessary information at all times.

    Announcements and Product Communication

    userguiding changelog
    UserGuiding Product Updates

    Are you launching new features, changing the UI, or just rolling out a minor update but want people to know about it?

    UserGuiding allows for effective communication with users in all these instances through its in-app announcements, new feature tours, or the standalone product updates page.

    Feedback and Insights

    userguiding surveys
    In-App Surveys by UserGuiding

    You can use UserGuiding's event tracking and analytics features to shed light on the user journey or push in-app surveys that generate real-time feedback - at the end of the day, allowing you to understand users and iterate with data.


    UserGuiding offers a 14-day free trial and its prices are adjustable according to MAU.

    >2500 MAU

    • Basic: $89/month
    • Professional: $249/month
    • Corporate: Custom quote

    5K+ MAU

    • Basic: $230/month
    • Professional: $449/month
    • Corporate: Custom quote

    10K+ MAU

    • Basic: $300/month
    • Professional: $524/month
    • Corporate: Custom quote

    UserGuiding vs. WalkMe

    UserGuiding offers a more accessible and cost-effective solution than WalkMe, with a true no-code setup that can be completed in minutes.

    While WalkMe excels in advanced analytics and employee training at scale, UserGuiding provides all the necessary tools for user onboarding and product adoption at a fraction of the cost, making it ideal for small-to-medium-sized businesses.

    WalkMe UserGuiding
    Pricing (<2,500 MAU) Custom quotes / yearly contracts $89/mo
    Product analytics Strong Limited
    Guides and tooltips Yes Yes
    Hotspots Yes Yes
    Checklist/launcher Yes Yes
    A/B testing Yes Yes
    In-app surveys & NPS Yes Yes
    In-app announcements Yes Yes
    AI assistant Yes No
    Product updates (changelog) No Yes
    Resource center No Yes
    Knowledge Base No Yes
    Preview without install No Yes
    Setup Weeks for implementation Live in minutes
    Integrations Various integrations Various integrations

    2. Pendo - Focus on Product Analytics and Reporting

    pendo vs walkme
    • G2: ⭐4.4/5 (1421 reviews)
    • Capterra: ⭐4.6/5 (57 reviews)

    Pendo is a strong product analytics platform that allows you to oversee the whole user journey, and the in-app engagement features provide you with pinpoint accuracy to intervene and engage users at the right time.

    It also specializes in user segmentation and feedback features, allowing you to create targeted in-app campaigns that enhance user experience.

    Pendo Features

    Product Analytics and User Behavior

    Pendo offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities.

    It allows you to track product usage, build detailed reports, and create dashboards that inform your product team about crucial user experience and design projects.

    Feedback Collection

    With Pendo, you can collect real-time feedback using in-app surveys. Connecting this qualitative feedback with the insights from its analytics dashboards opens opportunities to iterate.

    3. User Engagement

    Pendo’s in-app engagement features, while often secondary to its analytics capabilities, are still powerful tools for onboarding, educating, and engaging users.

    The platform allows you to create guides, tooltips, and checklists that help users navigate your product effectively and efficiently.


    Pendo offers a free plan for small startups with limited features and discounts for other startups.

    However, its pricing is not transparent, with many users reporting common 5-figure contracts. This can make budgeting and planning challenging, especially for smaller organizations.

    Pendo vs. WalkMe

    Compared to WalkMe, Pendo offers superior analytics capabilities, providing advanced guides and detailed reporting.

    However, for product adoption, WalkMe's extensive in-app engagement tools and focus on employee training might be more beneficial.

    Pendo's setup can also be time-consuming and require significant development resources, whereas WalkMe is designed to handle large-scale deployments effectively—better than Pendo, at least.

    3. Whatfix - Simplified Digital Adoption for Enterprises

    whatfix vs walkme
    • Capterra ⭐4.6/5 (77 reviews)
    • G2 ⭐4.6/5 (329 reviews)

    Whatfix is a comprehensive digital adoption platform that simplifies the onboarding and training process for employees.

    It focuses on making software adoption easier for enterprises by providing tools that streamline user guidance and improve overall productivity.

    Whatfix Features

    Interactive Guidance and Walkthroughs

    Whatfix excels in providing interactive walkthroughs, tooltips, and task lists that guide employees through complex software.

    These features help users complete tasks more efficiently, reducing the need for extensive training sessions and support.

    Real-Time User Support

    Whatfix offers real-time support by embedding contextual help directly within the applications.

    This ensures that users can access the guidance they need exactly when they need it, enhancing their ability to learn and use the software effectively.

    Analytics and Reporting

    Whatfix provides analytics and reporting tools that track user engagement and the effectiveness of the guidance provided.

    These insights help organizations understand how their employees interact with the software, identify areas for improvement, and optimize the training process.


    Whatfix’s pricing is tailored to enterprise needs and naturally falls on the higher end.

    But, when you compare it to WalkMe, it's a whole different story.

    Whatfix vs. WalkMe

    Whatfix and WalkMe both offer robust solutions for digital adoption, but they cater to slightly different needs.

    Whatfix stands out with its simplified setup and real-time user support, making it an excellent choice for enterprises that need immediate, in-context help for their users or employees.

    WalkMe, on the other hand, offers more advanced analytics and extensive customization options, which might be better suited for organizations with more complex digital transformation needs.

    4. SAP Enable NOW - Employee Training at Scale

    SAP enable now as walkme alternative
    • Capterra: no reviews
    • G2: ⭐4.5/5 (4 reviews)

    SAP Enable Now is a digital adoption solution designed to help enterprises train employees and ensure effective software training.

    It provides comprehensive tools for creating, managing, and delivering in-app guidance and training materials, perfect for large-scale employee training.

    Enable NOW Features

    In-App Guidance and Training

    SAP Enable Now offers in-app guidance through interactive tutorials, tooltips, and context-sensitive help.

    These features help employees learn how to use software applications efficiently by providing real-time assistance within the actual work environment.

    Content Creation and Management

    The platform includes powerful tools for creating and managing training content.

    It allows organizations to develop e-learning modules, simulations, and performance support materials that can be customized to meet specific training needs. This flexibility ensures that training programs are relevant and effective for different user groups.

    3. Integration with SAP Ecosystem

    As part of the SAP ecosystem, Enable Now integrates seamlessly with other SAP solutions, providing a cohesive user experience.

    This integration allows for the smooth delivery of training content across various SAP applications, ensuring consistency and accessibility for users.


    SAP Enable Now's pricing is typically aligned with enterprise budgets, reflecting its comprehensive feature set and integration capabilities.

    $209/year per user is the pricing mentioned on the website for core features, but you'll need to get a demo to see exactly how much it'll cost you, which is obviously significantly higher than mentioned on the website.

    Enable NOW vs. WalkMe

    Compared to WalkMe, SAP Enable Now offers deeper integration with SAP products, making it the preferred choice for organizations heavily invested in the SAP ecosystem.

    While WalkMe provides a broader range of customization and advanced analytics, Enable Now excels in creating and managing extensive training programs at scale.

    For enterprises focused on large-scale employee training and seeking a solution that integrates seamlessly with their existing SAP infrastructure, SAP Enable Now is a compelling alternative.

    However, since currently there's talks of SAP acquiring WalkMe, this comparison might be out of the picture entirely very soon.

    5. Intro.js - Open-Source and Free Product Tours

    intro.js as walkme alternative
    • Github: 22.6K⭐
    • G2: no reviews
    • Capterra: no reviews

    Intro.js is an open-source library that provides a simple and cost-effective solution for creating product tours and user onboarding experiences.

    It is ideal for teams with limited budgets and technical resources who need a straightforward tool to guide users through their applications.

    Intro.js Features

    Customizable Product Tours

    Intro.js allows developers to create customizable and interactive product tours that guide users through the web app.

    These tours can be tailored to match the product's look and feel, too.

    2. Lightweight and Easy to Implement

    As a lightweight library, Intro.js is easy to integrate into existing applications with minimal setup.

    Its straightforward implementation process makes it accessible for developers with basic technical skills, ensuring that product tours can be up and running more quickly than creating it from scratch.

    3. Open-Source Flexibility

    As an open-source project, Intro.js offers flexibility and extensibility.

    Developers can modify the source code to fit their specific needs, and the active community provides support and contributes to the library's ongoing development.

    Intro.js vs. WalkMe

    While Intro.js provides a basic and cost-effective solution for product tours, it lacks the advanced features and analytics offered by WalkMe.

    WalkMe's comprehensive digital adoption platform is designed for large enterprises with complex needs. It offers robust customization, integration, and in-depth analytics.

    In contrast, Intro.js is best suited for smaller teams or startups looking for a simple, budget-friendly option to implement product tours and improve user onboarding.

    6. Google Analytics - Universally Free Analytics Platform

    google analytics as walkme alternative
    • G2: ⭐4.5/5 (6354 reviews)
    • Capterra: ⭐️ 4.7/5 (8013 reviews)

    Google Analytics is a powerful, universally free analytics platform that provides detailed insights into website and application performance.

    It is a widely used tool that helps businesses understand user behavior, track key performance metrics, and optimize their digital presence.

    Google Analytics Features

    Comprehensive User Tracking

    Google Analytics allows you to track a wide range of user interactions, including page views, session duration, bounce rates, and conversion goals.

    Customizable Reports and Dashboards

    The platform offers customizable reports and dashboards, allowing you to visualize data in ways that are most relevant to your business goals.

    You can create custom metrics, set up alerts for significant changes, and segment data to analyze specific user groups or behaviors.

    Integration with Other Google Services

    Google Analytics integrates seamlessly with other Google services, such as Google Ads, Google Search Console, and Google Data Studio.

    This integration allows for a more holistic view of your digital marketing efforts and streamlines the process of optimizing your campaigns and website performance.

    GA4 vs. WalkMe

    While Google Analytics (GA4) provides robust website and application analytics, it does not offer the in-app guidance and user onboarding features that WalkMe excels in.

    WalkMe’s platform is designed for creating interactive walkthroughs and real-time user assistance, making it ideal for onboarding and training.

    In contrast, Google Analytics focuses on tracking and analyzing user behavior to optimize digital strategies.

    For teams seeking advanced user engagement and onboarding tools, combining Google Analytics with an in-app engagement tool can be a much more affordable solution.

    Wrapping Up

    UserGuiding stands out for its ease of use, quick setup, MAU-based transparent pricing, and comprehensive features, making it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses.

    Pendo excels in product analytics and reporting, though it requires more development resources.

    Whatfix provides a streamlined digital adoption platform with real-time user support, ideal for enterprises looking for immediate, in-context help.

    SAP Enable Now integrates seamlessly with the SAP ecosystem, offering extensive training capabilities for large-scale employee onboarding.

    For teams with limited budgets, Intro.js offers a straightforward, open-source solution for creating product tours. Meanwhile, Google Analytics remains a vital tool for tracking and optimizing website and application performance, though it lacks in-app guidance features.

    Ultimately, the right tool for you will depend on whether you prioritize advanced analytics, ease of setup, real-time support, or budget-friendly options.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who should use WalkMe?

    WalkMe can be used by HR leaders or CIOs to improve employee engagement and digital adoption, or product and customer success teams to improve user adoption.

    How much does WalkMe cost?

    WalkMe currently doesn't have a fixed price, they create customized plans with custom prices for each customer, but the pricing usually starts from 5-figure yearly contracts.

    What are the top alternatives to WalkMe?

    The top 6 WalkMe alternatives are UserGuiding, Pendo, Whatfix, SAP Enable Now, Google Analytics, and Intro.js.

    What is WalkMe used for?

    WalkMe has various use cases but they could all be summarized under employee onboarding, user onboarding, and digital adoption.

    Where was WalkMe founded?

    WalkMe was founded in San Fransisco, California in 2011.

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