User Onboarding

13 Employee Training Methods Every HR Department Should Be Familiar With

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    Home / User Onboarding / 13 Employee Training Methods Every HR Department Should Be Familiar With

    Are you getting tired of the same old employee training methods and looking for something different and effective?

    Well, you're in luck!

    Today, we will be diving into 13 different, exciting, and innovative types of training methods that you should be familiar with if you're in HR.

    We'll explore the most recent techniques to keep your employees on track and engaged at all times.

    From interactive training to gamification, and more...

    So, get ready to level up your training game, say goodbye to banal habits, and replace them with practical skills!

    Let's get started 🌊

    1- Interactive Training

    Interactive training is a training technique that involves active and consistent participation as well as engagement by employees during the learning process.

    This typically includes activities such as role-playing exercises, case studies, simulations, and group discussions.

    The primary goal of interactive training is to motivate employees in the training process and to assist them in retaining valuable information more quickly and efficiently.

    By actively taking part in the training themselves, employees become highly likely to stay engaged and focused for longer periods of time, leading to better retention of the vast information they are facing.


    One of the key advantages of interactive training is that it does a great job when it comes to helping employees develop their critical thinking and improve their problem-solving skills.

    By engaging in invaluable activities, employees get to experience a challenging atmosphere in which they are free and even encouraged to think creatively and apply their knowledge in new and various ways.

    Interactive training can also help foster collaboration and team spirit among new employees.

    By observing and taking part in group discussions and many other activities, they can easily have the opportunity to work collaboratively and learn from one another.

    This leads to much stronger business relationships and better communication skills within teams.

    Disadvantages ❌

    Interactive training typically takes place in a group setting, which might mean that personal attention, at times, may be limited. Some employees may feel left behind or not get the same level of attention and care as others.

    This type of training can also be intense, and employees may struggle to retain all the information they are provided with, possibly resulting in an information overload.

    This can be specifically difficult for employees who are new to the job or industry and may not be filled with a sufficient foundation of knowledge to start with.

    Lastly, interactive training can sometimes be time-consuming, and unless it is well-organized and planned through, it can be an impractical and inefficient use of time.

    Unfortunately, this can lead to frustration and disengagement among newcomers.

    What you will need

    To practice interactive training among your employees, you will need several key elements.

    👉 Clear training goals are one of them.

    Before you actually begin any training program in mind, you need to have precise goals set.

    What exactly do you wish your employees to learn, and how will you be tracking their progress?

    Setting clear training goals will help you stay on track and guarantee that your training program is relevant and ready to go.

    👉 Another thing to keep in mind would be interactive training materials.

    You will simply need to get training materials that are fun, engaging, and relevant to your employees' needs.

    These materials may include presentations, case studies, simulations, online videos, and more.

    Lastly, do not forget about trained staff or professionals.

    Your trainers should have all the required knowledge, technical skills, and experience to offer efficient interactive training sessions.

    They should also be able to engage with employees and create a positive learning environment.

    ❗️Here's an example of how RAM onboarded employees by using interactive training with UserGuiding.

    employee training methods ram userguiding interactive training

    Until recently, RAM teams didn't feel the need to make changes to their IT systems, but when they did, they knew that it had to be brilliant.

    So, they chose to go with UserGuiding.

    For the employee onboarding, they have come up with a character named Sam from RAM, and Sam was the person that explained the platform and the features.

    UserGuiding has allowed RAM to create interactive product walkthroughs that are as impactful and effective as in-person training.

    And maybe even more.

    Here's the rest of their story for further inspiration! 

    2- Employee Onboarding

    Employee Onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into the organization and making sure that they have the necessary tools and resources they need to be sufficient in their new role.

    A throughout onboarding program can effortlessly set the tone for the rest of the employee's tenure and therefore is a marvelous opportunity to introduce them to your company culture, its values, and your expectations.

    Its primary goal is to help foster a good first impression and a positive first relationship between the new employee and the company.

    This approach ultimately leads to great retention rates by making new employees feel valued and supported.


    By providing new employees with all the necessities, onboarding can help them become more productive more quickly.

    It can also help employees feel more comfortable and confident in their roles from the very start, which can lead to better job satisfaction in no time.

    Employee onboarding can also help your new employees feel more connected and attached to the company and its mission, which helps increase their loyalty and commitment to the organization. 


    Employee onboarding can sometimes be time-consuming and require a significant amount of resources, specifically if it includes specialized training and/or equipment.

    And again, new employees can feel overwhelmed by the greatness of information they are constantly receiving during onboarding.

    Another problem with employee onboarding programs can be their lack of flexibility.

    Most programs turn out to be insufficient to accommodate the learning styles and preferences of all employees.

    What you will need

    First things first, you should have a well-structured onboarding plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and timeline for the onboarding process.

    You also need to have resources in place to help new employees develop the skills they need to be successful in their new positions.

    You should pay attention to providing your employees with the necessary orientation materials that help them understand what they signed up for.

    And do not forget about feedback mechanisms because you will need them when you have to gather feedback from employees to identify the areas that require improvement.

    ❗️A great example of a successful employee onboarding process is Airbnb.

    They have a comprehensive onboarding program that includes a mix of virtual and in-person experiences designed to help new employees feel welcomed, informed, and supported.

    Some of the key features of Airbnb's onboarding process include pre-boarding, where new employees receive a welcome e-mail and get introduced to their team.

    They are also provided with a list of resources they will later need at this point.

    Later on, on the first day, Airbnb's new employees attend a half-day orientation sessions where they are introduced to the company's vision, values, and missions.

    Then, each new hire gets paired with an experienced Airbnb employee who serves as their ''buddy'' during their first week on the job, helping the new employee navigate the company culture.

    Employee training employee on boarding Airbnb

    3- Knowledge Base

    A knowledge base is a centralized repository of information that can be reached by employees to find answers to their questions instantly, troubleshoot problems, and learn about various aspects of the company right away without having to wait for somebody else to assist them.

    A throughout knowledge base can be a golden opportunity and an invaluable resource for new employees since they can quickly access all the information they need to be able to perform at their finest.

    A typical knowledge base often contains information on company policies, procedures, product information, and best practices.


    Implementing a knowledge base into employee training methods can help you speed up your employee's overall process and reduce the time and resources that are needed to train them.

    A knowledge base can also encourage collaboration among employees by offering them a shared platform full of information and ideas that they can discuss.

    Additionally, a knowledge base can be used to offer consistent training and development opportunities to existing employees as well, letting them keep on track and improve their skills whenever they need to.


    A knowledge base needs consistent maintenance to make sure that the information it possesses is up to date and still accurate, this may be time-consuming for teams that are in charge of it.

    Also, if the knowledge base is not easily accessible, it will become a big problem, as employees may not be able to use it, which can limit its efficiency.

    Lastly, a knowledge base can contain sensitive information, so it is essential to make sure it is secure at all times and protected from unauthorized access.

    What you will need 

    To create a knowledge base, you need to define the scope and primary purpose of the knowledge base, including all the types of information it will contain and who will have permission to access it.

    Then, you need to identify and organize the information that will be offered via your knowledge base.

    Make sure to implement a system for maintaining and updating the knowledge base over time.

    ❗️ One example of a knowledge base is the one used by Shopify, a popular e-commerce platform.

    Shopify's knowledge base is designed to help merchants learn how to use the platform to manage their online stores, with in-depth articles covering a wide range of topics including an introduction to the platform to help new users set up their store.

    The further it gets, the more advanced the articles become, guiding new hires on how to choose a plan, how to add products to their store, and how to set up payment and shipping options.

    Shopify's knowledge base provides detailed information on how to manage products in the store, including how to create product listings, manage inventory, and set up collections.

    The knowledge also includes articles on how to market and promote a store, with special tips on social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization.

    knowledge base shopify

    4- Coaching

    Coaching is another training method that can be extremely impactful in helping employees develop their skills and improve their overall performance.

    It involves a one-on-one relationship between a coach and an employee, where the coach offers in-depth guidance and support as well as feedback to help the employee master the process.

    This technique can be used in numerous contexts, including performance improvement, skills development, and onboarding.


    One of the best advantages of coaching is that it can be highly customized to the specific needs of the individual employee.

    By focusing closely on the particular requirements and challenges of the employee, a coach can easily help them understand and overcome any possible obstacles that may be preventing them from accessing their full potential.

    In addition to its great effect on employee performance, coaching can also have a positive impact on employee engagement and therefore, retention.

    By offering personalized attention and support, coaching can help them feel heard and understood, which is a great feeling booster that leads to increased job satisfaction and loyalty to the company.

    Disadvantages ❌

    Coaching can be a time and resource-intensive process overall, needing a significant amount of investment from both parties, which can be a barrier to implementing coaching programs right away and on a larger scale.

    As for the employees, some individuals may be resistant to change and may be unwilling or unable to incorporate feedback from their sessions with their coaches.

    They just simply might not be capable of driving the wished value out of this interaction, therefore, they will need various other methods that can be applied.

    Another interesting point to consider is the fact that dependency is something to look out for when working with coaches.

    If an employee becomes too dependent on coaching, they may initially struggle to apply the things they have learned independently, which can limit their progress and development. 

    What you will need

    Coaching requires a set of particular skills, including active listening, questioning, providing in-depth feedback, and goal-setting.

    At this point, make sure your coaches are well-trained and experienced in all these skills to be impactful for your employees.

    Additionally, they must have a deep understanding of the subject matter they are coaching on to be able to offer to-the-point guidance to the employee and not confuse them any further.

    Another thing to keep in mind is the flexibility of the coach.

    Coaching, at all times, should be tailored to the needs of the employee, and coaches should be flexible in their approach to accommodate different learning styles, objectives, and preferences.

    ❗️An example of a successful coaching program is the one used by Google, which provides coaching to its employees to help them develop their skills and advance in their careers.

    This legendary program by Google primarily focuses on three main areas - performance coaching, career coaching, and leadership coaching.

    👉 Performance coaching

    Performance coaching is primarily designed to help employees improve their performance in their current roles.

    This type of coaching may include setting goals, providing feedback, and developing action plans to address areas for improvement.

    👉 Career coaching

    Career coaching is designed to help employees plan and navigate their career paths within the company.

    This type of coaching typically includes identifying career goals, exploring development opportunities, and creating a plan for career advancement.

    👉 Leadership coaching

    Leadership coaching is designed to help employees who are in leadership roles develop their leadership skills.

    This type of coaching may include identifying areas for improvement, providing feedback on leadership style, and developing a plan for professional growth.

    👉 Google's coaching program

    Google's coaching program is extremely personalized and tailored to each employee's individual needs.

    Coaches work closely with employees to identify their goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

    Coaching sessions may take place in person, over the phone, or via video conference, depending on the employee's location and schedule.

    5- Case Studies

    Case studies are another training technique that can be quite effective when it comes to providing the employee with real-world examples of how exactly to apply their skills and knowledge in practical circumstances.

    Case studies often include presenting employees with a hypothetical or real-world scenario and asking them to study and analyze them, solving the problem that's given.

    This helps employees develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, in addition to a more profound understanding of how the information they have learned in training can be used in real life.


    One of the greatest benefits of using case studies as a training method is that they can be tailored to the particular needs and objectives of the company.

    For instance, a case study can be used to address a specific difficulty that the company is facing, letting employees apply their learning in relevant, meaningful, and helpful, real-life situations.

    They can also be used to encourage collaboration and teamwork.

    By working together, and brainstorming on case studies to solve a given problem, employees can grow stronger and deeper relationships and keep learning from each other's experiences and perspectives.


    Case studies are typically presented in a static format, such as a written document or video, which may limit interactivity and engagement compared to other training techniques.

    This may bring about problems for employees who prefer to learn by interacting and taking part.

    Case studies also are not the best option when it comes to offering instant feedback to employees, which can make it difficult for them to understand their progress and adjust their performance accordingly.

    What you will need 

    Case studies should be picked carefully to offer relevant and diverse examples that are applicable to the employee's work context at all times, and they should be presented in an engaging format to motivate users to participate in the learning process, in order to prevent some of them from interacting, as mentioned above in the ''Disadvantages'' part.

    Another thing to consider would be the level of expertise of facilitators.

    They should have enough to offer in the subject matter of the case study and be able to guide employees through the learning process seamlessly.

    ❗️One example of a company that uses case studies for employee training is Amazon.

    Amazon has come up with a program called ''Working Backwards'' which focuses on the company's product development process and uses case studies to teach new hires and current team members how to approach new product developments.

    The program is based on Amazon's leadership principles, which are a set of guidelines that shape the company's culture and decision-making processes.

    The "Working Backwards" program teaches employees how to apply these principles to the product development process, and uses real-life case studies to illustrate how the process works in practice.

    For example, employees may be presented with a case study of a successful product launch and asked to analyze how the team used Amazon's leadership principles to develop and launch the product.

    This allows employees to see how the principles can be applied in a real-world setting and to gain a deeper understanding of how the company operates.

    employee training methods case studies airfocus

    6- Instructor- Led Training

    Instructor-led training is one of the traditional training methods that involve a trained instructor guiding a group of employees through a training session.

    Instructor-led training can take numerous forms, including classroom-style lectures, workshops, and seminars.

    The instructor provides the attendees with the content, offer explanations, and answers any possible questions that may pop up.


    The advantages of instructor-led training include direct interaction between the instructor and the employee, which can be an extremely engaging and impactful way to learn and avoid confusion.

    The instructor can always provide instant feedback - and I mean, instant.

    Woop, right away.

    They can also clarify any confusing matters, and make sure that all employees are following and keeping up with the rest of the group.

    This type of training can be specifically effective for complex or technical subjects, where new employees may benefit from an expert's experience and guidance.

    Additionally, instructor-led training can be useful for addressing topics that require a more personal touch, such as interpersonal skills or conflict resolution.


    Instructor-led training is often scheduled at particular times and locations, which can sometimes limit its accessibility and flexibility for employees who have other things to do or work remotely.

    Another drawback of the method of ILT would be the fact that it is relatively expensive to provide, specifically if it requires traveling, accommodation, and other logistical expenses.

    What you will need

    To be able to practice ILT, your learning objectives should be clearly defined and communicated to the learners to make sure they understand what they have signed up for and that they are aware of the wished results.

    The training content should be engaging and relevant to the learner's work context to motivate further participation and employee retention.

    This can easily happen if you stick to the interactive format to encourage your employees to take part in the learning process.

    ❗️An example of instructor-led training is the program used by General Electric (GE) to train its employees in leadership and management skills.

    GE's program, known as Crotonville, is a residential campus located in New York that provides a range of leadership and management training programs for GE employees at all levels.

    The program includes both classroom instruction and experiential learning opportunities, such as simulations and role-playing exercises.

    The Crotonville program also includes coaching and mentoring opportunities, in which employees receive one-on-one guidance and support from experienced managers and leaders within the company.

    employee training methods employee onboarding

    7- On-the-Job Training

    On-the-job training (OJT) is another training method that is about employees learning through hands-on experience in their actual work environment.

    This type of training technique can take many forms, such as job shadowing, mentoring, or apprenticeships, and is typically implemented to teach employees particular job-related skills.

    It is an important training method that can help HR departments make sure that their employees are constantly improving and developing the skills and knowledge that are needed to succeed in their roles.

    By offering hands-on experience and instant feedback on the go, OJT can be an extremely successful way to train new employees and promote their professional development.


    One of the advantages of On-the-Job Training is that it is practical and instantly applicable to the employee's job responsibilities.

    By learning on the job, employees can easily and quickly gain a better and deeper understanding of the day-to-day tasks and challenges of their role, and acquire the skillset and knowledge they require to perform their job impactfully.

    This method can also be highly flexible and customizable, as it can be tailored to meet the particular needs and goals of individuals.


    The quality of on-the-job training can vary widely depending on the skills, background, and experience of the employee or trainer in charge of training the new employee.

    This can create an inconsistency within the process and make things a bit more challenging and time-consuming.

    Also, it is always important to remember that without a formal training program, there may be a lack of structure for the on-the-job training process, leading to important topics being missed out or not properly covered.

    What you will need

    To be able to practice on-the-job training efficiently, it is essential to have a well-structured plan that includes every step along the way from clear goals and objectives to timelines.

    The overall plan should identify the skills and knowledge needed for the job and make sure that the training is well-designed to meet those needs.

    Additionally, trainers should be sufficiently trained and prepared to offer a solid training process filled with feedback mechanisms in place to provide consistent evaluation and support for the employees.

    ❗️An example of on-the-job training is the program used by McDonald's to train its new hires on the numerous tasks and procedures included in working at the restaurant.

    McDonald's uses a structured approach to on-the-job training, which is designed to ensure that new employees receive consistent and thorough training on all aspects of their job. The training program involves orientation, some training modules, and hands-on training.

    Through this on-the-job training program, McDonald's is able to provide its employees with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their job effectively and efficiently.

    The structured approach to training ensures that all employees receive consistent training, which helps to maintain high standards of quality and service across all McDonald's restaurants.

    mcdonalds on the job training employee training methods

    8- Simulation Training

    Simulation training can be a specifically great training method when combined with the previous one, the OJT.

    By implementing simulations to support OJT, you can offer your employees a hands-on experience in a safe and controlled atmosphere, letting them develop their skills from the start and gain confidence before applying them on the job.

    It can also be a useful method for training employees under complex or high-stress circumstances, such as emergency responders or military staff.

    By using simulations to recreate real-world scenarios, employees can see their potential and experience the job without the risks and costs linked with real-world training.


    Simulation training offers a safe learning environment for starters.

    It provides a controlled learning environment where employees can freely make mistakes and learn from them without experiencing any harsh risks, injury, or damage to equipment.

    Given the fact that this method can recreate realistic scenarios that employees are likely to encounter on a daily basis while on the job, Simulation Training also provides an effective learning experience right from the start.

    And it is a cost-effective solution as well, as it reduces the need for expensive equipment and materials, thus can be easily scaled to accommodate large groups of new employees.


    While using simulation training, employees may not always be able to transfer the skills they learn via this method to real-world situations and find it challenging to adjust.

    In that case, companies should look for different methods that best fit the needs of their own particular group of employees.

    Another thing to keep in mind would be the possible technology limitations - Simulation training may require specialized equipment or software, which may turn out to be quite expensive or difficult to maintain.

    What you will need

    To implement simulation training effectively, it is important to have clear design plans to be able to create simulations that are relevant, realistic, and useful.

    The simulation should provide instant and constructive feedback to employees, and the trainers that you work with should all be skilled in offering guidance and coaching to allow new employees to improve their overall performance.

    The equipment and software used in simulation training should be reliable and up-to-date, and the training process should be checked on a regular basis to ensure that it remains impactful.

    ❗️Hubspot offers a great simulation training program for their sales team called ''Hubspot Sales Bootcamp.''

    The program uses virtual scenarios to simulate sales situations that the team might encounter in the real world.

    The simulation training is conducted through a software platform called ''Qstream,'' which provides personalized, interactive scenarios for each attendee.

    The scenarios are designed to challenge the sales team's ability to effectively communicate with customers, identify pain points, and recommend solutions.

    The simulation training program has been highly successful for HubSpot, helping the sales team to improve their effectiveness and close more deals. By using simulations to practice sales situations, the team is better prepared to handle real-world scenarios and provide effective solutions for their customers.

    employee training methods hubspot knowledge base

    9- Job Shadowing

    Job shadowing is a good old training method.

    It involves an employee observing and learning from a more experienced co-worker in their day-to-day work environment.

    Job shadowing is often used to teach employees new skills or offer them a deeper understanding of a specific role or department.

    During job shadowing, the new employee gets to experience valuable insights and develop a profound approach to the work that is being accomplished every single day.


    One of the key advantages of job shadowing is that it can be highly practical and hands-on.

    By sticking with this method, employees can learn practical tips and techniques observe a colleague in their work atmosphere, and can understand everyday tasks and difficulties of their job, position, and departments better.

    Job shadowing can also be very flexible, as it can be specialized to meet the particular goals and requirements of each and every employee.

    For instance, an employee may be interested in learning more about one specific subject or a particular aspect of a colleague's job, and job shadowing can be used to provide targeted training in that area. 

    Disadvantages ❌

    Job shadowing may provide a rather narrow approach to a specific role or function, which may not be enough for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of an organization as a whole.

    This is also the case when it comes to the level of interaction - the employees may have limited interaction with other departments or fellow employees which may ultimately limit their exposure to various perspectives and experiences.

    What you will need

    For job shadowing to work smoothly, it is important to ensure that the employee has a structured plan for their time on the job.

    The employee should be prepared for the experience and should have a clear understanding of their role in the first place.

    The quality of the communication between the employee and other parties should all be clear and consistent to make sure the whole process is productive and engaging for everybody involved.

    Finally, the employee should be given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to help improve the job shadowing experience.

    ❗️At Salesforce, new employees in the sales department participate in a job shadowing program called ''Ramp Camp.'' During Ramp Camp, new sales hires are paired with experienced sales representatives, who they shadow for several weeks.

    New employees observe the experienced ones as they interact with customers, navigate the Salesforce platform and close deals.

    They also attend meetings and training sessions alongside experienced team members.

    Thanks to job shadowing, new employees at Salesforce are able to learn from the experiences of their more experienced co-workers, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the company's sales process and culture.

    This allows them to become more effective sales representatives more quickly, and to make a positive impact on the company's bottom line.

    10- Conferences and Workshops

    Conferences and workshops are practical training methods that include employees attending various events where they can learn from industry experts and professionals.

    These events offer employees invaluable insights and knowledge on the most recent trends, techniques, and best practices in their field to provide inspiration.

    These kinds of conferences and workshops can take many forms, such as keynote speeches, panel discussions, breakout sessions, and hands-on workshops. These events are typically held over one or more days and can be hosted in person or online.


    One great thing about conferences and workshops is that they provide employees with the opportunity to learn from a wide range of experts and peers that work in the same field as them.

    By attending these events, employees can gain a brand new perspective as well as different ideas and can develop a better understanding of the industry they belong to.

    These events can also be very encouraging and motivational, as they can provide employees with a sense of connection and community within their organization.

    Attending these events can help employees feel more engaged and inspired, leading to increased motivation and job satisfaction.


    Attending conferences and workshops can be expensive, specifically if traveling and accommodation costs are involved, and considering the fact that the workshops usually take a few days, the costs might be a bit overwhelming.

    Also, as far as conferences are concerned, interaction and relevance might sometimes be limited.

    Large conferences and workshops may have millions of attendees, making it hard to network and connect with others.

    And the context of these events might not always be relevant to the employee's interests and job duties, which can make the experience less valuable.

    What you will need

    To hold a conference or workshop effectively, it is important to choose events that are relevant to the employee's interests and responsibilities.

    In that sense, preparation, such as reviewing the schedule and speakers beforehand, can help employees make the most of their time at the event and see its value.

    Additionally, employees should have a clear understanding of their goals and objectives for attending the event in the first place, and should actively seek out opportunities to connect with others.

    ❗️There are numerous examples of conferences and workshops that bring together leaders in the SaaS industry to discuss trends, share best practices, and allow networking with peers - SaaStock and HubSpot Inbound are two of them. 

    SaaStock is an annual conference that features keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops covering topics such as sales and marketing, customer success, and product development.

    HubSpot Inbound is a great conference for marketing and sales professionals that focus on inbound marketing, customer engagement, and business growth.

    The conference features keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and workshops on topics such as content marketing, social media, and lead generation.

    conferences and workshops employee training methods

    11- Cross-Training

    Cross-Training is a method that is about teaching employees how to perform tasks and/or roles outside of their primary job responsibilities.

    This can help employees develop a broader skillset and can offer organizations greater flexibility and agility in their work.

    This particular method is useful for developing a more versatile workforce and can help employees gain new and different experiences.


    Cross-training can help employees gain a wider approach and understanding of the organization and its operations in numerous fields.

    By finding out more about different functions and roles within the organization, employees can develop a more holistic view of the ways the organization works and can better understand the impact of their own role within that frame.

    Cross-training can also help organizations become more adaptable and agile, as employees who are trained in multiple areas can be more easily redeployed to different roles or functions whenever needed.

    This can be particularly valuable in situations where there is a sudden increase in demand for certain products or services, or when main employees are unavailable due to illness or other reasons.


    Cross-training is a method that requires a significant investment of time and resources, which may not be feasible for all organizations.

    It can also result in a slight decrease in productivity as employees might have a hard time adapting to new roles or responsibilities.

    Another psychological obstacle would be the resistance of employees to change, learning new skills, or taking on new duties, which can make cross-training challenging to implement.

    What you will need

    To practice cross-training, it is essential to communicate the clearly-set goals and dreams of the organization in relation to the employee's process.

    Every step along the way should be planned and structured to make sure that it is sufficient and relevant, and employees should at all times be given the required time and resources to pick up new skills and take on new duties.

    Again, trainers should be skilled in offering guidance and feedback to help employees improve their performance.

    Finally, employees should be given the chance to apply the things they learn in cross-training to real-world scenarios to make sure the process is of great use.

    ❗️At Dropbox, employees in the customer support department receive cross-training in product development.

    This process involves participating in a program called ''Support to Product'' where support team members spend several weeks working alongside product development teams to learn about the product development process and gain a deeper understanding of the company's products.

    dropbox cross training employee training methods

    During this cross-training program, support team members attend design and development meetings, work on design models and product documentation, and take part in user testing and feedback sessions.

    By participating in the "Support to Product" program, customer support team members at Dropbox gain a more profound understanding of the company's products, as well as the product development process.

    This allows them to provide more technical assistance to customers, as well as to contribute ideas for product improvements.

    12- Gamification

    Gamification is another training technique that involves incorporating game elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, into the learning experience.

    By making training more engaging and interactive, gamification can help employees stay on track, encouraged, and focused, and can help them retain the information they learn more effectively.

    During gamified training, employees are presented with a series of fun challenges, tasks, and activities that are primarily designed to teach them particular skills, tips, and pieces of information.

    As employees complete the tasks and take a step further, they earn points, rewards, or badges that showcase their progress and achievements.

    Leaderboards are also typically used to motivate friendly competition between numerous employees, which can help motivate one another and engage even more deeply with the training process.


    Gamification is a great method that makes the employee training process fun, engaging, and enjoyable for everybody involved.

    By implementing game elements into the training, teams allow employees to become more likely to stay motivated and focused, leading to better retention of all the information they learn.

    Gamification can also be highly flexible like many other methods I have mentioned, as it can be used to teach a wide range of skills and knowledge.

    👉 For example, gamified training can be used to teach employees how to use new software or tools, how to communicate more effectively, or how to improve their problem-solving skills.


    Gamification can create an overemphasis on external rewards such as points, badges, or leaderboards, rather than intrinsic, motivation and enjoyment of the task.

    This type of problem can bring about the constant need for more and more rewards and may cause disappointment in employees once they complete the process and start working on a daily basis.

    What you will need

    The gamified training experience must be designed with an employee-centered approach, taking into account their preferences, motivations, and needs.

    And the rewards provided must be meaningful and aligned with the desired result, rather than simply offering extrinsic motivation.

    Regular evaluation of the gamified experience is essential to make sure that it is efficient in achieving its intended goals and to make necessary changes based on employee feedback.

    ❗️A real-life example of gamification can be seen in the training programs of Hubspot again.

    At Hubspot, employees receive training through a program called HubSpot Academy, which features a variety of online courses and certifications.

    To make the training more engaging and motivating, HubSpot uses gamification elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards. 

    As employees complete courses and pass certification exams, they earn points and badges that are showcased on their profiles.

    They also get to see how their progress compares to that of their colleagues through a leaderboard. This creates a sense of friendly competition and motivates employees to complete more courses and earn more.

    13- Software Tutorials

    Software tutorials are a training method that primarily aims to provide employees with instructions on how to use particular types of software applications or tools.

    This type of training can be precious for organizations that depend heavily on technology, as it can help ensure that employees are using software tools effectively and efficiently.

    During software tutorials, employees are typically provided with a demonstration of how to use the software application or tool.

    This may be done through a video tutorial, an interactive training session, or a combination of both.

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    Employees may also be offered a written instruction manual or documentation to help reinforce the information they learn during the training.


    Software tutorials help employees become more proficient in the use of particular software tools.

    By offering them excellent guidance, software tutorials can help guarantee that employees are using software tools efficiently and driving the most value out of them, leading to greater efficiency and productivity within the workplace.

    Software tutorials can also be tailored to the specific needs of individual employees or departments. These software tutorials can even be beneficial for the HR teams using HR Software.

    This can be particularly valuable in situations where employees have different levels of experience or expertise with specific software applications or tools.


    One possible drawback of software tutorials is that they may not cover all features and functions of the software, leaving users with knowledge gaps and resulting in slight confusion at times.

    They also might not be designed in a way that effectively communicates information to the user, leading to frustration and complexity.

    There is also a chance for tutorials to become outdated as software updates are released, leading to inaccurate or incomplete information. 

    What you will need

    Tutorials must always be designed in a way that is easy to understand and follow, using clear and concise language with a bunch of visuals to make it easier to process.

    They should also cover all the essential features and functions of the given software, including any recent updates or previous changes.

    It would also help to go the extra mile and make tutorials accessible to employees with disabilities, including features such as captions or audio descriptions, allowing a broader range of audiences to make the most out of them.

    ❗️At Zendesk, a customer service and engagement software, the company offers a training program for employees that includes software tutorials.

    The tutorials are designed to help employees learn how to use the various tools and features of the Zendesk platform, as well as best practices for providing exceptional customer service.

    The training program includes a variety of courses, many of which feature software tutorials.

    For example, the "Zendesk Support Administrator" course includes tutorials on how to set up and configure the Zendesk platform, while the "Zendesk Support Agent" course includes tutorials on how to use the platform to provide effective customer service.

    The tutorials are designed to be interactive and engaging, and they often include real-world examples and case studies.

    Employees can access the tutorials directly within the Zendesk platform, as well as through Zendesk's website and social media channels.

    zendesk employee training software tutorials

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the most cost-effective way of training employees?

    The most cost-effective way of training employees can vary depending on the organization's specific needs and resources. But On-the-Job Training is a typically cost-effective training method where employees learn by doing the job, requiring no additional resources such as training materials or off-site training sessions.

    What is the most common type of employee training?

    Again, the most common type of employee training heavily depends on the industry and organization, but the most common one is On-the-Job Training, being a favorite due to its ease and lack of need for specialized skills or knowledge.

    What is the fastest way to train a new employee?

    Job Shadowing and Hands-on-Training are two methods that organizations can use to quickly train their employees - job shadowing allows employees to observe and learn from others who are already proficient in the role. And hands-on training provides new employees with opportunities, such as simulations or mock scenarios, giving them the chance to quickly immerse in the role and helping them develop skills and knowledge.

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