
33 Best Sales Blogs that can help you close more deals in 2024

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    Home / Growth / 33 Best Sales Blogs that can help you close more deals in 2024

    1. Sales Hacker - best for B2B sales reps, managers, and executives

    Sales Hacker is a sales blog that has launched a community segment for sales pros to ask questions, discuss tactics and share their opinions. The blog was featured in Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and SaasTr.

    You can find blog posts, ebooks, webinars, videos, and more on the Sales Hacker blog and so you can use different learning styles to improve your knowledge.

    2. The Rabbit Hole from Wizard of Sales - from team management to closing sales, everything you need

    At number two we have the Wizard Of Sales's sales blog, "The Rabbit Hole", an extensive resource full of articles and guidelines for anything you need in creating, managing, scaling, or improving your sales team and processes.

    With hundreds of content in seven categories and over 40+ topics, The Rabbit Hole stands as a blog you and your sales team should literally devour.

    3. Jill Konrath's Fresh Sales Strategies - best for sales reps

    If you haven't already heard about her yet Jill Konrath is an expert who is the best at negotiating difficult sales situations, making prospects' lives simpler, and enhancing sales productivity. 

    She is also the Best-Selling Author of "Selling to BIG Companies," "SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers," "Agile Selling," and "More Sales, Less Time,"

    Konrath's posts often include stories from her life and business experience, so they are relatable, interesting, and catchy. 

    4. HubSpot Sales Blog - best for salespeople, managers, and executives

    The HubSpot Sales Blog will provide valuable knowledge to both new and experienced sales professionals. Many well-known figures in sales, such as Donald E. Kelly, Jeff Hoffman, Anthony Iannarino, Trish Bertuzzi, and others, are among the contributors of the blog.

    You'll get tips you need to reach or beat your quota — or, if you're a manager or a business owner, methods to lead your sales team to success month after month — from creating the perfect email subject line to negotiating a mutually advantageous sale, you can find anything on Hubspot Sales Blog.

    5. LinkedIn Sales Solutions - best for sales reps

    With the rise of social media, social selling is even more important for sales teams. To learn more about social selling techniques and keep yourself updated on the news, you can subscribe to LinkedIn Sales Solutions and get your dose of universal sales best practices. 

    6. The Make It Happen Blog - best for salespeople

    John Barrows is a leading B2B sales trainer and the founder of JBarrows Consulting. His clients' list includes Salesforce, LinkedIn, and Okta. He shares his sales advice from his days as a salesperson every week. 

    With those weekly sales tips, you will learn to give better presentations, discover your strong personal points, improve your thought process and close more business deals. 

    The blog has different content for individuals, teams, and leaders, and it features podcasts and events as well. 

    7. Salesfolk - best for sales reps and managers

    You've likely seen the difference in your open and reply rates when you use buyer-focused, personalized outreach emails versus generic ones focused on you and your product.

    However, crafting an attention-grabbing message can be difficult even for top sales pros. Heather Morgan's blog is an excellent source of examples (both good and bad), straightforward suggestions, and fresh ideas.

    You've probably noticed the difference between the open and reply rates between two different styles of emails: generic product and brand-focused ones and personalized buyer-focused ones. Although it's easy to say, many find it hard to come up with attention-catching emails and messages. 

    Yeah, even great salespeople struggle with writing efficient emails. Heather Morgan's blog is an excellent place to find great examples, advice on writing, and new ideas. There are also terrible examples on the blog, so you can compare the good and bad to find your style.

    8. Sales Gravy - best for sales reps

    Jeb Blount is one of the most well-known experts on prospecting and has a book on the topic, so his company's blog also focuses on filling your funnel.

    Don2t forget that no matter how good you're at closing deals, you won't sign any new business without prospects. Sales Gravy offers training, coaching, e-learning, and podcasts, so you choose whatever method you want to start learning.

    9. Gong Labs Blog - best for sales reps

    As you can guess from its name, Gong Labs blog is full of great data, tips from sales experts, and practical advice for sales reps and sales leaders. You can find articles to motivate your teams or close more deals with a hands-on approach. 

    These articles will help you meet your quota and have more successful calls during your sales cycle.

    10. Sandler Training Blog - best for sales professionals

    Every type of sales professional — individual salespeople, managers, and executives — can benefit from the Sandler training team's endless guidance. Their blog posts usually include examples and sample messaging so that readers can figure out how to apply the topics they've learned.

    If you're looking for a resource that can improve your skills, this is the blog for you! The website also features books, white papers, webinars, podcasts, and case studies for the ones who prefer focusing on the theoretical side.

    If you're a business owner, you should bookmark this blog.

    11. Marc Wayshak's Sales Blog - best for sales reps

    Marc Wayshak is the founder of Sales Strategy Academy and author of "Game Plan Selling." He shares his practical knowledge and tips with fellow sales reps in his blog

    He uses short videos to deliver most of his practical advice, so this blog is a good option for those who prefer watching videos over reading blog posts.

    12. Art Sobczak's Smart Calling Blog - best for sales reps

    Prospect calling can be considered both as a science and an art. With Arz Sobczak's Smart Calling Blog, you can learn how to pique curiosity, deal with objections and brush-offs, and set the groundwork for a mutually beneficial relationship without using deceptive, out-of-date, or selfish approaches.

    13. Sales for Life - best for B2B sales reps

    The Sales for Life blog helps salespeople adapt to modern buyers and trends. With the Sales for Life blog,  you can learn to engage your prospects in a friendly and convenient way, use sales automation effectively, receive the fundamentals and latest tips from the Sales 2.0 movement.

    15. The Sales Blog - best for sales reps

    Anthony Iannarino, author of "The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need," publishes insights and thought leadership on his blog daily. If you want to read blog posts with a direct, engaging style and practical suggestions, you should check his blog! 

    16. OpenView Labs (Sales Category) - best for CEOs, founders, and sales leaders

    OpenView is a venture capital firm focusing on early-stage software companies. Its blog is a valuable resource for senior executives -- especially the sales category, which features substantial articles on everything from building a sales enablement program and training BDRs to interview rep candidates and removing bias from your hiring process.

    OpenView is a venture capital company that focuses on software startups in their early stages. Its blog is an excellent resource for senior executives, particularly in the sales category. The blog includes articles on topics ranging from developing a sales enablement program and training BDRs to interview rep prospects and eliminating bias from the hiring process.

    17. Sales Benchmark Index - best for sales managers, leaders, and business owners

    Most of the posts on SBI's blog is aimed at sales managers or leader who wants to meet or exceed their team's quota. On this blog, you'll find new insights on hiring the best salespeople, preparing a winning strategy, and creating a healthy yet success-driven culture for your team.

    18. The Ambition Blog - best for sales leaders

    Average sales managers are in charge of their salespeople. They just control what their team members do.

    However, good sales managers motivate their reps to do their best so they can reach their full potential. If you want to become a good sales manager, you can check the Ambition blog and learn more about the hiring process,  sales performance, and sales productivity. 

    19. Inside Sales Experts Blog - best for inside sales managers and executives

    Are you in charge of hiring, training salespeople, and defining and managing territories, and tracking your team's sales productivity? Then, you should add, The Inside Sales Experts Blog into your bookmarks. Trish Bertuzzi, author of "The Sales Development Playbook," and other members of her consulting firm share detailed and professional content on the blog regularly.

    20. Sales Source - best for sales reps, managers, executives, and entrepreneurs

    Geoffrey James, author of "How to Say It: Business to Business Selling," contributes to the blog daily and delivers blog posts about a wide variety of topics such as sales process, marketing, customer experience, and general professional advice. 

    If you're interested in perfecting your sales email writing skills, becoming more productive, motivating yourself, improving your negotiation skills, and more, don't forget to check out Sales Source.

    21. SaaStr Blog - best for Sales leaders, entrepreneurs, marketing leaders

    If you're in the SaaS business, there is no way you haven't heard of Sasstr. Venture Capitalist and SaaS enthusiast Jason M. Lemkin created SaaStr as a simple WordPress blog to share his answers to questions he received on Quora. 

    Today, Sasstr is one of the largest communities of SaaS founders and entrepreneurs globally.

    On the blog, you'll find articles on the growth of SaaS businesses from a larger perspective and actionable advice for sales leaders on making your team more productive.

    22. Datanyze Blog - best for SaaS sales managers

    Since Software as a Service (SaaS) industry leaders and sales experts contribute to this blog regularly, it's a great resource for you. Although blog posts are short, at most 800 words long, they are still full of tips and tactics, so you'll gain valuable knowledge for sure. 

    The topics cover sales career, sales training, sales trends - anything related to sales, really.

    If you don't like reading never-ending articles, Datanyze Blog is a great option for you. 

    23. The Sales Leader - best for sales leaders

    Author of "Nonstop Sales Boom," Colleen Francis, shows sales leaders the tools and methods they need to drive results. Her posts cover various topics, from pipeline management and sales leadership best practices to personal productivity. 

    If you don't want to spend so much time learning new sales techniques and just want to get straight into it, you can visit The Sales Leader blog and get a quick tip easily.

    24. No More Cold Calling - best for sales leaders

    Do you hate making calls? Who doesn't? 

    Buyers hate receiving as well.

    If you're still making calls with no personalization or research, you should give this blog a read. Joanne Black, who is a referral expert, shares her tips to implement a referral program to dispose of the need to make such calls.

    There are also ebooks, referral insights, and videos on the website for those who want to check other forms of resources too.

    25. TopLine Leadership Blog - best for sales managers

    The mindset of your sales staff can greatly impact their success. Preserving each member's enthusiasm and commitment, however, is difficult, especially when you're simultaneously trying to assess their flaws, enhance their sales techniques, and strengthen your playbook.

    The TopLine Leadership Blog is all about motivation. You'll find the advice you need, whether you're trying to motivate a disinterested salesperson or everyone to meet their targets.

    26. CloserIQ Blog - best for sales managers and recruiters

    CloserIQ is a sales recruitment platform, and its blog provides plenty of guidance on the best skills your job candidates should possess, how to identify top sales talent, and how to manage a successful team.

    27. The Center for Sales Strategy Blog - best for sales managers and recruiters

    The Center for Sales Strategy Blog is another blog filled to the brim with practical advice on how to find, develop, and supervise the finest salespeople on your team. 

    Are you having difficulties hiring high-performing salespeople or keeping them engaged? This blog will provide you with the information you need to boost your sales revenue by creating a team culture that prioritizes development and your clients' needs.

    28. ec4u - best for salespeople who are interested in learning more about customer journey management

    If you want to think outside of the box and broaden your horizons, the ec4u blog is the one for you! ec4u is a German company that has a blog that mainly focuses on the customer journey. Understanding customer journey is important to figure out the starting points, and this is discussed in articles as well.

    The blog has articles on sales as well, but reading articles on different topics will not only benefit you but also your colleagues from marketing or those responsible for CRM.

    29. Cerebral Selling - best for sales staff

    The blog is published by David Priemer, author of the book "Sell The Way You Buy." Priemer is a sales trainer specializing in sales psychology and sales techniques, and on his blog, he shares tips and sales strategies.

    Although the blog has content for everyone working in the sales department, it's especially good for beginners who want to learn about sales psychology from insights. Priemer focuses on the latest studies and addresses questions.

    30. GZ consulting - salespeople who want to stay updated

    Michael Levy is a top consultant in the Saas sector and shares his perspective on sales intelligence, sales engagement, and b2b strategies as a service on GZ consulting blog. He founded the blog in 2015 when he started to write about new products and sales news.

    Now the blog is filled with a wide range of blog posts that contains his wisdom and experience. If you want to keep up with industry updates, GZ consulting is a good choice for you!

    31. Published by: StoryXpress - sales leaders interested in remote selling

    StoryXpress not only provides a useful tool for video creation, but it also maintains a blog full of remote communication and selling advice and tactics. Why not learn from the remote experts? You've undoubtedly had to modify your sales in the last year as well. 

    The content of StoryXpress covers sales, marketing, customer service, human resources, all of which are accompanied by video communication.

    32. Heinz Marketing - best for inbound sales professionals and marketing teams

    If you need a blog to keep you updated on B2B sales strategies and marketing insights, Heinz Marketing is the one for you. With its daily posts, you will get the chance to engage with your prospects and create a successful content strategy, find your potential customers, and so much more.

    Don't miss "Matt's App of the Week," Heinz Marketing's weekly blog piece, and "How I Work," a series that explores how top B2B leaders stay productive.

    33. UserGuiding Blog - best for sales teams that want to improve user training and boost conversions 

    UserGuiding Blog mainly focuses on user onboarding; however, there are many articles on different topics. Regularly posted blog posts can guide you to successfully train your team members and end-users and boost your conversion rates.

    When you make sure that your employees are in sync with your company's needs, you can motivate them to perform their best and get better results. To read more about user training, you can check this article.

    These 32 sales blogs will surely help you and your team members close more deals and gain new skills. Just start by checking one blog post right away! 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do blogs help sales?

    Blogging helps you get more organic traffic to your website and makes more sales. Also, it increases your brand awareness. Also, you can learn about anything through sales blogs and broaden your perspective with case studies and research.

    What makes a successful business blog?

    The key to a successful business blog is providing your users with quality content. If you deliver your readers valuable content, they will become return to your website as paying customers next time. 

    How do you find exciting blogs?

    Search engines are your best friend. Use the keywords to advantage and dive straight into the web. You can also scan curated lists, find recommendations online and search the most popular hosting sites such as Medium.

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